1. 'Or, all day, we drive the wheels of iron
In the factories, round and round'
In which poem do these lines occur?
2. Which of the following is not a poem?
3. 'I won't look down. No I will not
With speed of wings I hasten past'.
In whose poem do the following lines occur?
4. The Poem 'Laugh and be Merry' is written by
5. What is the theme observed in the story 'The mark of Vishnu'?
6. Which of the following is a poem?
Choose the right answer from the options given below.
7. Match the names of the poets under column A with the names of the poems, under column B and choose the correct code.
Column A Column B
(a) Thomas Hardy 1. My Grandmother's house
(b) Elizabeth Barrett Browning 2. Piano
(c) D.H. Lawrence 3. The Cry of the Children
(d) Kamala Surayya 4. The Man He Killed
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8. 'A note as from a single place,
A slender tinkling fall that made'
These above lines occur in the poem
9. Identify the figure of speech used in the following poetic line.
In the world's broad field of battle
10. Walt Whitman wrote the poem 'O Captain! My Captain!' as a dirge for the death of